Saturday, 20 August 2016


Basket Mouth is here again, And this time he is using a real life scenario to to crack his joke. Recently on his YouTube Channel, 
he posted a short comedy video where he called his  his girlfriend that he recently broke up with assuming that he did not actually breakup with her but he was trying to test her to know if she really love him and she passed the test. Now the question that you will want to ask yourself is that why did he call her back since he broke up with her or is it actually a prank? the answer is NO. 

If you carefully watch the video then you will know that he is not calling here to because he actually played a prank on her but, he is calling her because he probably must have heard that she just recently won a Jackpot of one hundred million Naira (#100,000,000) wow!!!  that's really a huge sum of money to be left out just because they are no longer together but he is trying to derive a means to convince her that he did not breakup with her but rather playing with her. But his plan did not work because maybe the girlfriend knows his too well and knows that he is calling back because he have heard of the money she won and then she cut him off and asked him never to call her line again and then hang up the phone.

If you are noticed from the beginning, i said that this Basket Mouth joke is centered on a possible scenario that may happen to any one. Why am i saying this?? Maybe because, as we all know that the Country is facing economy challenges and its affecting us all in one way or the other and the prices of things are hiking as the day runs out.  So you will agree with him that he did not breakup with her because he did not like her but because he is trying to cut out some unnecessary expenses  and try to manage him self but he never knew he is making a big mistake. know the question is thi, if you where in Basket mouth shoes, will you try to reconcile with your girlfriend just because she won a jackpot?? you can leave a comment below to support your answer.

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