Sunday, 19 June 2016

Effects of Cultism

With the increase rate of crime and cult, I have decided to share this post with the world especially to student who have or may want to join a cult group for one reason or the other. Kidnapping,
Raping, robbery, and all kinds of terrorism is something that is getting out of hand in schools especially in higher institutions, that’s why I have taken my time to explain some important reasons why you must not join a cult. Mind you that most of these cult are DEADLY and once you join it may be IMPOSSIBLE to leave, that’s why you must try by all means to avoid any cult group and also try to avoid  bad friends that belongs to any cult or society, because one day they my either force or persuade you to join their group. So here are some important reasons why you must not join any cult or society:

As a non-cultist (an ordinary man) you have your freedom to go where ever you like, whenever you like without even thinking that you will get hurt, but as a cultist there are certain places that you must never go alone except in group, and even in groups you must be prepared to protect yourself at all time, your mind will never be at rest because you will always watch your back, is it necessary??

Every student goal in life is to make good result, secure a good job and be Useful to themselves, their families and the community at large, but when you join any cult or secrete society, such goal or dream may or will be jeopardize because you will agree with me that cultist have no time to read their book, must of them don’t even have books not to talk of reading, they rather engage in all sorts of irresponsible activities like smoking, taking hard drugs, fornicating, robbery etc.  And they will want to engage in exam malpractice during examination, if they are caught, they will be expelled from school then they will be left with no choice but to start robbery, and if they get caught they will accuse the government blaming their situation to unemployment.

During cult initiations, sex is hardly excluded from the initiation processes especially for female. During cult initiations, the new members must engage in an open sex with the other members and its usually unprotected, mind you, cultist are known for rapping and sleeping around with all sorts of women so it will be almost impossible for them to be clean without STD most especially HIV AIDS. Some of their initiation processes may include drinking of members urine, blood etc. This is also dangerous.

Just imagine you being in cult group and was caught when carrying out robbery operation with your fellow cult members and you where sentence to prison, how will your parent or guardian feel after cautioning you and advising you not to join any cult group, after they have done everything humanly possible to make sure that you gets the best in life. Some mothers may end up cursing the day they gave birth to you, while some fathers will instantly disown you the moment they hear you are involved in a criminal case.

All possible means of identity and information’s of a cult groups are been taken by their rivals, (other cult group)  when they wants to launch a surprise attack on them. Any marked cultist is as good as dead because he or she will be constantly monitored by the rival cult group until they finally succeed of killing the person. There are other ways whereby you may lose your life as a cultist but we just try to point out some crucial points, PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM CULTISM, YOU WILL BE A FULL INSTRUMENT FOR THE DEVIL.

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